Home grown broccoli sprouts. You can choose to buy them at the grocery store or learn how to be self sufficient when you can and rely less on going to the grocery store for every single ingredient. All you have to do is buy the seeds, use any glass mason jar along with a cap that can drain the water, follow the instructions online on how to grow broccoli sprouts, and you’re set to go! It’s ready to consume in less than a week. Top on any salad or sandwich for a ton of micronutrient health benefits and healing powers.
What makes broccoli Spouts nutritious?
sulforaphane is a compound that is found abundantly in broccoli sprouts
Adding a teaspoon of ground or powdered mustard seeds to broccoli can increase the bioavailability of sulforaphane more than 4-fold compared to eating cooked broccoli alone. *study linked here*
Sprouting 101
What you will need:
- Non GMO Broccoli Sprouting Seeds
- Glass mason jar
- Mesh holed lid
Self sufficient era
Benefits of Consuming Broccoli Sprouts
- Reduces overall inflammation (link blog post on inflammation)
- Detoxification of benzene (create blog post all about detoxification)
- Anti-aging
- Lowers total and LDL cholesterol *link study here*
- Inhibits the growth of Helicobacter Pylori (link H. Pylori blog post here) *study linked here*
- Improves the gut microbiota
- Reduces inflammation in patients with IBD *study linked here*
- Improves blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Improves cardiovascular health (link heart health blog post) *study linked here*
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