The DUTCH test detects hormonal imbalances that may be associated with chronic health conditions such as PCOS, allowing your functional practitioner to help uncover root causes of hormonal dysfunction. The results of the DUTCH test allows your functional practitioner to receive a more complete picture of what’s going on in internally regarding your hormonal health in order to create a personalized functional nutrition care plan for you. Functional lab testing would be a good idea if you really wanted to hone in on the specifics of gut microbiome imbalances, hormonal imbalances, vitamin/mineral deficiencies.
What is the DUTCH test?
The DUTCH or Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones, test is advanced functional lab testing measuring hormone levels and their metabolites using dried urine samples. The results of the DUTCH test provide valuable insight into your reproductive hormones as well as your adrenal hormones essentially assessing your hormonal health. Hormone health is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to addressing root causes of health conditions and improving overall health. There are many different organs in the human body and each organ works together in harmony to achieve optimal health and longevity.
What Health conditions is the DUTCH test used for?
It is commonly used for health conditions such as:
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS: using the DUTCH test to evaluate androgens, progesterone, estrogens, and cortisol.
- Acne
- Weight Loss
- Hormonal Imbalances: Estrogen dominance, Low Estrogen, Low/Elevated Testosterone, Low/Elevated Progesterone.
An Example of the DUTCH Test Results: A Basic overview
Below is an example of what a DUTCH Test Result would look like:
For most accurate test results: The urine and saliva samples for the DUTCH test should be collected on or around Days 19-22 of the menstrual cycle (5-7 days after ovulation) with day 1 being the first day of menstruation in order to obtain the most accurate results. This is if you have a regular cycle. If you are menopausal or male you can test at any time since there is no cycle.
*you can still run a test while on the birth control pill (your estrogen and progesterone levels will be very low meaning it is working) to test cortisol, androgens, and organic acids.*

The first page of the results shows Estradiol (E2), Progesterone, and Testosterone levels. Estradiol is shown since it is the most potent form of estrogen. This is basically a snapshot or a quick summary of the three main sex hormones as well as your cortisol production (DHEA production, free cortisol, and metabolized cortisol) graphed out through the day. Ideally, you want your levels to be in between the stars which would be considered within normal ranges. Specifically, for the estradiol and progesterone to be facing around the same area – using the arrow symbol as a guided tool or for the progesterone to be a little higher than the estradiol.

Above is shown your progesterone metabolites (alpha and beta progesterone), your estrogens including the phase 1 and phase 2 estrogen detox, and your androgens such as DHEA-S, androsterone, testosterone etc.

All of the data that is shown above is put into dials which can seem overwhelming at first but should be read as a pathway that tells the functional practitioner how your hormones are metabolizing. In the middle of the graph, you will see the three phases of estrogen metabolism or estrogen detoxification. Phase 1 metabolism is shown above as 2-OH-E1 (low) , 4-OH-E1 (in range), and 16-OH-E1 (high). Deficiency in certain nutrients will lead to insufficient phase 2 of the estrogen detox phase or insufficient methylation of the estrogen metabolites (Phase 2 Metabolism) as seen towards the bottom left of the page. (2-Methoxy-E1 + COMT enzyme)
If you would like to further evaluate Phase 3 of estrogen detoxification, looking at stool testing using the GI-MAP stool test is necessary to evaluate the gut microbiome. You would need to look specifically towards the intestinal health markers page at GI Markers: β-Glucuronidase. Your functional practitioner will recommend dietary changes as well as targeted supplementation to help modulate these three pathways. (Phase one, two, and three of estrogen detox)
Looking towards the left side of the above page, you will see your androgens and how well they are metabolizing: DHEA-S, Testosterone, Androsterone, ect. Your functional practitioner will recommend dietary and lifestyle changes as well as targeted supplementation to help modulate these hormones.

Above is shown your melatonin level in the upper left as well as your free cortisol levels throughout the day. If you are in a chronic state of elevated cortisol or constantly in fight or flight mode, the above graph will reflect that. Your functional practitioner will recommend dietary and lifestyle changes as well as targeted supplementation to help modulate cortisol levels.

How can I Use my DUTCH test results to help heal my Health condition or Symptoms with the help of a functional nutrition dietitian?
Each person is unique and this is recognized in a personalized functional nutrition assessment and intervention plan that engages and empowers the patient in this process to restore optimal function, manage symptoms and promote overall health and well-being.
Functional nutrition addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. We look at it from a root-cause perspective and create a focus on prevention through nutrition, therapeutic diets, targeted supplementation, interpretation of conventional and/or functional lab testing, botanicals, detoxification protocols, exercise, and stress management tools.
My storefront is linked here to order functional labs, which is signed off by a nationally-licensed physician, to assess for gut health issues, hormonal imbalances, or vitamin/mineral deficiencies. If you need help creating a personalized functional nutrition care plan based on the interpretation of any of the above functional labs, you can work with us here.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Krishnamurti
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